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Husqvarna Viking 5/8″ Quilt Binder Attachment Foot
Husqvarna Viking Brilliance 75Q Sewing and Quilting Machine
Husqvarna Viking Designer Epic 2 Sewing, Quilting & Embroidery Machine
Husqvarna Viking Interchangeable Dual Feed Walking Foot
Husqvarna Viking Jade 20 Sewing Machine
Husqvarna Viking Magnifying Lens Set
Husqvarna Viking Quilt Binder
Intervac GarageVac GH120-E Black Wall Mounted Garage Vacuum
Intro to Free Motion Class: Trapunto Placemat
Intro to Free Motion Quilting Class
Intro to Sublimation Printing Class
Introduction to Home Dec Class: Flange Pillow
Introduction to Hooped Embroidery Class: Fabrics with Texture
Introduction to Quilt Binding & Finishing Class
Introduction to Quilting: Create a Quilt Top Turning 20 Class
Introduction to Quilting: Runner Up Table Runner Class
Introduction to Sewing Class: Tote Bag (Includes All Supplies)
IQ Designer & My Design Center Features Class
IronSlide 2000 Ironing Board Cover
Isacord Texlight Glow in the Dark Thread
Isacord Top 50 Embroidery Thread Kit
Janome 1600P-QC High-Speed Straight-Stitch Sewing & Quilting Machine
Janome 2030DC-G Computerized Sewing Machine
Janome 2212 Sewing Machine