Gain confidence with angles and color placement, plan out curated flower shades, or use scraps from your stash for an eclectic look! Dancing Dahlias will give you a complicated look without tedious piecing. It is constructed of two main blocks, the flower blocks, and the leaf blocks, with side setting units that make construction a breeze with no Y seams. Each block illustrates a different technique using the Creative Grids 60-Degree DiamondTINYRuler.
Finished Size: 56″ x 60″
Fabric Requirements
1/4 yd each of three different leaf greens 1/3 yd yellow check for center of flowers 1/8 yd each of four different coral oranges 1/8 yd each of four different light pinks 1/8 yd each of four different fuschia pinks 1/8 yd each of four different purples 1/8 ydseach of four different turquoise 1/8 yd each of four different light yellows 1/8 yd each of four different dark yellows 1 7/8 yds blue background fabric 1/2 yd binding fabric 3 1/2 yds backing fabric
Creative Grids Non-Slip 60 Diamond Tiny Ruler
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