The Viking Husqvarna Designer Topaz 50 features : Exclusive SEWING ADVISOR feature which optimizes your sewing by selecting the best settings for you and giving you on-screen advice. Automatic Jump Stitch Trim eliminates trimming time as you create beautiful embroideries. STITCHES More than 250 stitches including; 7 mm stitches, Utility stitches, Quilt stitches, Decorative stitches and 5 Programmable Alphabets.
150 Embroidery Designs and 2 Embroidery Fonts in three different sizes included. Hoops: DESIGNER Royal Hoop, 360 x 200 DESIGNER(14 11/64 x 7 7/8,) Splendid Square Hoop, 120 x 120 (4.23x 4.23)
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